Now You Can Find Domain's IP Address Behind CloudFlare in HTTP Tools 4.3.1

24 Agustus 2020

For security reason, some wesite using Cloud Network to hide their origin server. One of the most popular cloud platforms used is CloudFlare. So, when attacker perform the scanning, instead of scanning the website, these attacker are actually scanning the CloudFlare network.

In this update, HTTP Tools added feature to get IP Address Behind the CloudFlare. We, call this feature as "Un-CloudFlare". Dunno if there is method or brand or application that already used this name.

The full list of updates to version 4.3.1 are:

  • [added] Get Domain's IP Address Behind CloudFlare
  • [improvised] Wordpress Platform Detection
  • [fixed] WP Plugins Scanner > Information if Website Contain No Plugin

Update your HTTP Tools now on Google Play Now!!

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